John Tailor East
"Thank you so much for sharing your revolutionary system. It has been a godsend to see my electricity consumption improve in such a way after trying numerous alternative sources of energy. I already have a solar panel but it does not generate enough energy by itself.
As you can see via the photos im sending my system is very small but the output is still good. Thank you."
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Tony Helson
Kansas City
"I just wanted to send you a huge thanks for making this available! I never thought that something like this could even exists. A system that generate free energy by using magnets as the main source of power. Simple, yet does what it claim to do. It generates more electricity than it consumes, thus free energy. Why the government doesn't build one of these?!"
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Herley Benetol
"This is my experience with magnet 4 energy, I got the plans last month from a friend of mine. NOW HOLD ON TO YOUR CHAIR.
I WENT FROM PAYING $150 IN ELECTRICITY BILLS MONTHLY TO $20! That's a savings! I run the unit everyday but had to stop it because some screws were not enough tight. I don't need to recommend this to you - it speaks for itself.
Thank you so much. I want to start selling your plans.
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Kevin Smith
New Mexico
"I've been studying the subject mostly through websites so when I found about your diy kit I had to get it. I've talked to a lot of people but there are 'a lot minus one' skeptics out there. I'm getting good results with the magnetic generator. It's performing very well. They should make this available from any hardware store."
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Ludwic Brown
Colorado, USA
"I'm Ludwic and I live in San Francisco. At first I was having second thoughts about installing the magnet4energy unit in my fairly new house. The laws are very strict in my state and I didn't want to get in trouble.
So I had a professional electrician build the system for me and wire it to my main power supply.
I was paying hefty bills before. I always averaged anywhere between $80 and $100 monthly in costs.
With the magnetic generator unit I am paying between $30 and $50 monthly, which is a lot of savings.
I'm really happy that I don't worry much about electricity prices anymore."
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Robert Magro
Costa Rica
"I have been using the magnet generator for about 2 months and have been amazed by the results. I own a small apartment so you can imagine how much electricity I use. Before installation of the generator I was paying $30 up every 2 weeks and now the same amount is enough for 4 weeks. The unit is easy to build and maintain. I look forward to my next bill to see how much I saved.
Don't take my word for it, try it yourself and see how good it is.
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Tillo Suzcim
"I have installed the generator at my parents house, that is an old 2 bedroom house. After getting it set up, the first thing I noticed is the increase of power.
3 weeks down the road and they received a power bill of just $10 - while the previous bill was over $50 .that is more than expected I 'am going to build one for my house as well.

Milan, Italia
"Thank you for the detailed guide. I made my the generator last weekend and I am just letting you know its running great!
It was not difficult after following the step by step instructions in your guide. Now that I know it works, I'm going to make 2 bigger systems. One for myself and another one for my soon to be wife.

Mario Davids
"Hello Chris,
How are you? I'm sending you a picture of my latest generator. It generates approximately 6 times more than it consumes, wonderful! I spend a few days to build it but it was well worth the effort. The only thing that I can say is that this is revolutionary, a revolutionary system, theirs no other words to describe it.
Have a nice day!"

Carmen Said
"I would like to say that the magnet 4 energy generator is an awesome addition to any house! It is easy to build and run.
I live in the mountains of Virginia and my bills speak for themselves, I'm paying 80% less now."